
Business days calculator

The meaning of 'business day' is a little different when it comes to doing certain things under PPS rules. To help you get this right, you can use our PPS business days calculator.

When to use the PPSR business days calculator

Some PPS processes require you to wait 5, 10 or 15 business days before you can take further action. You can use this calculator to work out what date the selected amount of business days have passed.

Once you enter the number of business days you need, the calculator will give you the date that you can continue to take action.

Last updated: 3 December 2024


If you are disputing a PPSR registration, this calculator helps you meet the waiting periods for this process.

This process requires you to send a notice to the secured party. You then have to wait for 5 business days to pass before you can ask us to help.

For more information see Dispute a registration.

Calculate your business days


The date selected is [selected_date]

The range shown is [start_date] - [end_date]

[result_date] is [date_num] business days after the date selected.

Please select the number of business days to calculate
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