HIN (Hull Identification Number)
A HIN is the nautical equivalent of theVIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on your car. Most Australian boats will have a HIN attached or stamped into the hull. This is usually a 14 character alphanumeric code containing letters and numbers that identify the country, manufacturer, serial number and date of manufacture.
Current HIN format - AU-TRX48119H765
AU- |
48119 |
C7 |
65 |
Country of origin |
Manufacturer’s identity code (MIC) |
serial number |
month and year of manufacture |
model year |
Australia |
unique identifier |
March 2007 |
1965 |
Other HIN formats (12 characters)
Pre August 1984
Format 1 – no country prefix - ABC 12345 1278
12345 |
1278 |
Manufacturer’s identity code (MIC) |
Serial number |
Certification date |
Format 2 – no country prefix - ABC 12345 M78D
12345 |
M78D |
Manufacturer’s identity code (MIC) |
Serial number |
Alternative certification date |
(the ‘M’ is an indicator that the characters following it indicate year and month of production – so in this case it would be November 1978)
Month post 1984 A – L
Month |
1972 – 1984 |
1984 + |
January |
F |
A |
February |
G |
B |
March |
H |
C |
April |
I |
D |
May |
J |
E |
June |
K |
F |
July |
L |
G |
August |
A |
H |
September |
B |
I |
October |
C |
J |
November |
D |
K |
December |
E |
L |