HIN (Hull Identification Number)

A HIN is the nautical equivalent of theVIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on your car. Most Australian boats will have a HIN attached or stamped into the hull. This is usually a 14 character alphanumeric code containing letters and numbers that identify the country, manufacturer, serial number and date of manufacture.


Current HIN format - AU-TRX48119H765
AU- TRX 48119 C7 65
Country of origin Manufacturer’s identity code (MIC) serial number month and year of manufacture model year
Australia TELWATER (USA) LLC unique identifier March 2007 1965

Other HIN formats (12 characters)

Pre August 1984

Format 1 – no country prefix - ABC 12345 1278
ABC 12345 1278
Manufacturer’s identity code (MIC) Serial number Certification date
Format 2 – no country prefix - ABC 12345 M78D
ABC 12345 M78D
Manufacturer’s identity code (MIC) Serial number Alternative certification date

(the ‘M’ is an indicator that the characters following it indicate year and month of production – so in this case it would be November 1978)

Month post 1984 A – L
Month 1972 – 1984 1984 +
January F A
February G B
March H C
April I D
May J E
June K F
July L G
August A H
September B I
October C J
November D K
December E L