
Do a PPSR registration number search

Check the current status of a PPSR registration you've been made aware of using its 15 digit PPSR registration number.

On this page

What is a PPSR registration number?

Important: a PPSR registration number isn’t the same as a vehicle registration number (or rego / number plate). If you're thinking of buying a used car from a private seller see Do a used car or vehicle search.

A PPSR registration number is a unique number that is automatically assigned to every registration made on the PPSR. You may also see this on a search certificate if you've done a PPSR search and it returned a registration. A PPSR registration number has 15 digits and is in the format YYYYMMDD#######.

Why do a PPSR registration search?

This kind of search is useful if:

  • You'd like to know the history of a PPSR registration, and don't need to know about any other security interests registered against particular property, individuals or organisations.
  • You want to see if a registration is expired and if so when it expired (most other kinds of searches will only show current registrations).
  • You have the PPSR registration number but no other details to search with.

If you'd like to find out about all security interests registered against a particular piece of personal property (such as car, boat or the property of an individual or organisation) see Searching the PPSR for other searching options.

What a PPSR registration search costs

A search can be done two ways:

  • Online self-service: $2.00
  • Assisted phone service: $7.00

You can pay using a credit card or debit card.

Start your PPSR registration search now

Start your PPSR registration search now

How to do a PPSR registration number search

You don't have to have a PPSR account to do a PPSR registration number search. However, if you do have one you can log into your account before you start.

To do a PPSR registration number search, go to the Search by PPSR registration number page, then:

  1. Enter the PPSR registration number (this is the 15 digit number that's created when a security interest is registered on the PPSR not a vehicle registration number). Make sure you check you enter the correct number - otherwise your search may not return any results.
  2. If you'd like to include a reference number for your own records, enter this in the Client billing reference field.
  3. Review your search criteria and if it's correct select Next.
  4. Enter your Payment details. You can pay by credit or debit card.
  5. Enter your Email address to be sent the tax invoice. Select Next.
  6. You'll now see a Search result summary. Select View certificate to open your search certificate and find your detailed search results. You can also select Email certificate to have the search results emailed to you.
  7. Save your search certificate somewhere safe. This is your legal record of your search.

Your search certificate

At the end of your search, you’ll get a search certificate. When you’ve done your search, you’ll get a PPSR search certificate. This will show you all the security interests registered on the PPSR against the serial number you’ve searched for. The PPSR search certificate is a legal record.

The certificate can be emailed to you or viewed on screen and saved as a PDF. You can get a copy of your search certificate at a later date at no additional cost. It will give you the following details:

  • PPSR Registration details - type of registration, start and end time and date it was last changed and if the registration is current or expired.
  • Grantor details - if there is a grantor, the individual or organisation name, identifier details and type.
  • Collateral details - collateral type and class, serial number and type if applicable, proceeds and purchase money security interest (PMSI) if applicable.
  • Secured party details - the name of the individual or organisation who holds the security interest.
  • Address for service - contact details for the secured party group. Contact them using these details if you'd like to know more about the registration.

Didn't see any results?

If on your search certificate it says "There is no security interest or other registration kind registered on the PPSR against the PPSR registration number in the search criteria details" check the registration number you searched on. You may have entered an incorrect number in the PPSR registration number field.

NOTE: if the registration has been removed by us and we decided not to make the registration available for searching, it will not appear in a PPSR registration number search.

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